In a heartwarming gesture of recognition, DEAR Lotteries has honored Santhosh Varose, a dedicated lottery seller who has overcome significant personal challenges. For over 25 years, Varose has been a steadfast presence...
In an exciting collaboration with PlayBeatz Music, Mukesh Officials has officially launched his latest single, "Talash Ab Bhi Jaari Hai." Renowned for his diverse talents in singing, songwriting, and music production, Mukesh...
The trailer for ‘Tribhuvan Mishra: CA Topper’ has dropped, setting the stage for a thrilling new series that blends Bollywood nostalgia with a dash of adrenaline-pumping action. Scheduled to premiere exclusively on...
YouTube Star Bhuvan Bam has taken decisive action against a misleading video circulating on social media that impersonates him, promoting false investment advice.
Bam, known for his comedic prowess and engaging content on...
Actor and singer Ayushmann Khurrana has unveiled his latest musical creation, a poignant single titled ‘Reh Ja’. Known for his versatility both on-screen and in music, Ayushmann shared that he has always...
In an exciting collaboration, India's celebrated singer and music producer, Mukesh Officials, has partnered with the renowned audio brand, Mivi. On Friday afternoon, Mukesh Officials took to Instagram to share a captivating...
On the set of the popular TV show "Ishq Jabaria," actor Pankaj Motla is proving that playing a villain doesn't mean he can't have a good time. Known for his intense portrayal...
Bollywood actress Mannara Chopra, known for her vibrant screen presence and flair for dance, has set pulses racing with her special appearance in the upcoming Telugu film "Tiragabadara Saami." The filmmakers recently...